Link utili

I link presenti nella pagina permettono di controllare eventuali interazioni tra i farmaci antitubercolari scelti ed eventuali terapie concomitanti
World Health Organization
WHO guidelines on tuberculosis
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Guideline by topic: Contact Investigations, Control and Elimination, Drug - Resistant TB, Genotyping, Infection Control & Prevention, Laboratory, TB & HIV, TB in Specific Populations, Testing & Diagnosis, Treatment, Vaccines & Immunizations
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
This guideline covers preventing, identifying and managing latent and active tuberculosis (TB) in children, young people and adults. It aims to improve ways of finding people who have TB in the community and recommends that everyone under 65 with latent TB should be treated. It describes how TB services should be organised, including the role of the TB control board.